
Friday, September 16, 2016

"boolean search phrases" AND students AND (confused OR perplexed) -understanding

Google searches. Most of us, including students, do Google searches on a daily basis. However, my students always complain that Google returns lot of junk or that it takes them a really long time to find the information they need, want, or can trust.

I've tried multiple times over the past year to teach students how to use Boolean Operators to create Boolean Search Phrases in order to narrow and improve their search results on Google.

They still don't seem to get it.

It's not that they're not trying. They are. They write long, wordy search phrases and seemingly randomly stick in quotations or parenthesis and sometimes an "AND". But I can tell they still don't quite grasp it.

My mission over the next week is to develop a set of workshops and class activities where we will just hammer how to create Boolean Search Phrases, what the different operators do, and how to put them together in a way that makes for more effective searches.

I'm planning to review the presentation I used previously to introduce operators and how they work, and then I'll have to come up with other activities that might help clarify the process.

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